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Introduction to P.A.A. Beginners Workshops Origins


In the late fall of 2021 two members of a local virtual meeting began a conversation about our Tradition 5:          “Each group has the primary purpose — to carry its message          to the pornography addict who still suffers.”  Remembering our own first meeting experience, not knowing what to expect, we recall above all else how the welcoming and nonjudgmental space created by the members made us feel comfortable and less isolated. However hearing people refer to the twelve steps and the need to be working them as well as a mention of some person called a sponsor was confusing and raised anxiety in both of us.  We both knew the first meeting was a powerfully positive experience. We had questions aplenty and the willingness to ask the questions. The introductory readings mentioned no crosstalk. Neither feedback nor furthering questions were encourages. All questions were saved for the meeting after the meeting.  Our discussion of Tradition 5 leads us to a consideration to deliver 12 step workshops geared to new members. Why not develop a series of workshops in which each new member’s input would be sought while introducing the essentials of our P.A.A. fellowship like working the twelve steps with a sponsor and the centrality of our primary purpose ( welcoming the porn addict who is still suffering).  It seemed we were on to something. Using the research done  by Wally P. for his book: Back to Basics: How to take the Twelve Steps ‘quickly and often”, I will summarize the startling revelations he uncovered.   •1940s - 1950s 12 step movement (A.A.) had a 50-75% recovery rate            (from day 1 into year 2)  •        1980s - 2020s 12 step movement (A.A). has a 5-10% recovery rate          (from day 1 into year 2)  •Why?  — Wally P.’s suggests the 4 Most basic differences:  1. On newcomer’s 1st day of sobriety sponsor would start them by Introducing  Alcoholism as a disease Step.   2. Each step was taken in its simplest form. 20 minutes per step over the course of 1 to 30 days MAX!         (Approximately  4-6 hours total)   3. Average newcomer had 10-30  days sober upon completion of the workshops with   newcomers starting his/her sobriety count on day one of the workshop. Upon                         completing the twelfth step they immediately started the next newcomer on step         one.  4. Newcomers who remained members (62.5% remained) would later take a slower and      more in depth study of the steps with a sponsor.           *So why 62.5%  then and on average 7.5% today?  Simply put the members original program in their first 30 days of sobriety worked steps:  62.5% a) Immediately b) Quickly (simple) c) Often  d) And with newcomers   ——————————-   •        Newcomers working Todays A.A. and other 12 step programs are 12 times more at risk of relapse.  •         •Relapse within their first year is a 86 % certainty.  • Those of us working the 1940s 12 step workshops series now only have a 37.5%  chance of relapse.  So we were convinced that this 55 point spread was worth the time and effort to develop and present the First Encounter Series for Newcomer Workshops for our P.A.A. Fellowship. Tens of thousands of these back to basic workshops are happening right now accross multiple 12-step fellowships with the same recovery rates.  These workshops demystify the twelves steps, ingrain the importance of service and provide a valuable defense against relapse for the newcomer as he or she is equipped to carry this very message.  Remembering our first P.A.A. meeting, our questions had remained unanswered until we found a sponsor. We realize how much good will and openness our newest members had; we did not want the newcomers' window of opportunity to be squandered.   Our research instilled in us the passion to adapt the original approach to recovery that helps ensure new P.A.A. members' success. 

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